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Dungeons and Dragons is without a doubt the greatest game ever made. There is no limit to the things that you can do in it. This allows the game and those playing the game to create an idealized fantasy world where everything is as the players believe it should be. By incorporating the participant’s religious beliefs into the campaign, DMs can create a religious Utopia for their players. The DnD world not only reflects our values, but also projects back that which we put in. the sense of community that DnD fosters among its fans is nothing short of a religious experience. The use of role-playing in-game incorporates the symbols that the DM and players have chosen to be of highest value, and uses positive reinforcement to strengthen the want to conform to those values. This makes the experience real beyond the fantasy world and PCs or NPCs. The game of Dungeons and Dragons functions as a type of religious Utopia, as defined by whomever is participating in the game.


If you are interested in playing DnD, there are a lot of ways you can get started. Check out Critical Role on Youtube or Acquisitions Incorporated on the Wizards of the Coast website or look online at sites like Reddit and the r/DnD subreddit. You can also play in weekly sessions with new and experienced players in Local Game Stores (LGSs). “Donuts and Dragons” in the east end of St. John’s, “Sword N’Steele” downtown and “Noble Miniatures” in CBS all have regular DnD nights that you an go to. You can even just get a group together and try the starter set, which comes with an easy to understand first session pre-made. Alternatively, reach out to anyone you know who plays. They will want to get you to play. If there is anything that definitely solidifies DnD as a religious experience, it is the way it leaves players trying to convert everyone they encounter!

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